Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

Blood Gem Goblin is Blood Moon verison of Gem Goblin you can only fight him when you have activated Blood Moon. Tip: you can have blood moon active and go to deep ocean for best chance on Blood Gem Goblin

if you can kill Jungle Blood Tribe then best way to not to waste energy and have best Gem Goblin chances is Blood Jungle. If you dont care about enrgy then deep ocean is the best


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Item Amount Rarity
Sapphire 4 - 10 1/1
Emerald 4 - 10 1/1
BloodCrystals 100 - 200 1/1
Ruby 2 - 6 1/2
Diamond 2 - 6 1/2
BloodDiamond 1 1/16

Encounter rates per area are PROBABLY same as for normal Gem Goblin;

Zone Rate
Fields 1/3,000
Forest 1/2,500
Caves 1/2,000
Volcano 1/1,500
Northern Fields 1/1,000
Haunted Mansion 1/750
Desert 1/600
Ocean 1/550
Jungle 1/500
Dungeon Entrance 1/450
Dungeon 1/400
Castle 1/350
Cemetery 1/350
Haunted Wood 1/350
Deep Ocean 1/250