Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

Managing a city provides a way to improve your chances in any game feature based on random chance. This random chance is often referred to as RNG, Random Number Generator.


Your rating is influenced by how well you provide for the needs of your citizens. Each citizen needs 30 MayorElectricityResource, 1250 MayorWaterResource, 0.5 MayorEducationResourceIcon and 3 MayorSecurityResource

Rating Effect on RNG
SadIcon Bad ?
NeutralIcon Neutral 0%
HappyIcon Good +15%
VeryHappyIcon Great +25%


Building Cost Experience Resource Pollution Notes
Turbine Turbine IronBars 5,000 +500,000 Crafting XP MayorElectricityResource 100 kWh PollutionIcon No pollution Time: 5 minutes
Powerplant Powerplant IronBars 5,000

GoldBars 3,000

+525,000 Crafting XP MayorElectricityResource 500 kWh PollutionIcon Medium pollution (7%) Unlocked at 60 population

Time: 10 minutes

OilPowerplant Oil Powerplant IronBars 8,000

GoldBars 3,000
Oil lighter 1,000,000

 +555,000 Crafting XP MayorElectricityResource 2,000 kWh PollutionIcon High pollution (14%) Unlocked at 100 population

Time: 30 minutes

SolarFarm Solar Farm SilverBars 10,000

PromethiumBars 250

MayorElectricityResource 1,500 kWh PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 290 population
WaterPiping Water Pipe GoldBars 25 +100 Crafting XP MayorWaterResource 100L PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 200 kWh + 65 population

Time: instant

WaterTower Water Tower BronzeBars 20,000 +545,000 Crafting XP MayorWaterResource 30,000L PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 200 kWh + 65 population

Time: 5 minutes

WaterFilteringPlant Water Filtering Plant BronzeBars 50,000 +585,000 Crafting XP MayorWaterResource 100,000L PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 110 population

Time: 30 minutes

WaterFilteringMove Move Water Plant Logs 20,000

MapleLogs 10,000
JungleLogs 5,000
WaterFilteringPlant 5

MayorWaterResource 250,000L PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 510 population

You move all 5 water plants at once

ElementarySchool Elementary School GoldBars 1,000

PromethiumBars 100

+560,000 Crafting XP MayorEducationResourceIcon 100 Seats PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 90,000L + 110 population

Time: 20 minutes

? ? Seats Unlocked at 750 population
FireStation Fire station IronBars10,000

GoldBars 2,000
PromethiumBars 75

+580,000 Crafting XP MayorSecurityResource 50 Services PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 100 Seats + 80 population

Time: 10 minutes

PoliceStation Police station BronzeBars10,000


+580,000 Crafting XP MayorSecurityResource 75 Services PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 95 population

Time: 10 minutes

Clinic Clinic IronBars20,000

GoldBars 8,000

MayorSecurityResource 90 Services PollutionIcon No pollution Unlocked at 165 population
Prison Prison BronzeBars 20,000

PromethiumBars 200

MayorSecurityResource 100 Services PollutionIcon No pollution
Museum Museum IronBars 30,000

HauntedPainting 1

MayorSecurityResource 0 Services PollutionIcon No pollution You upgrade it with the rarest artifact from each zone, giving 100 services per zone


Unlocked at some point around first time when water demand is covered.

Activate some services, starting with 2 of them at the same time. You can toggle on and off when you want.

Each service have some buff related with the City Management and the cost is money per second and person (population), for example, if you use Clean Energy (cost 0,6) and have a population of 500, the operation is:

Cost X Population = coins per second

So you spent 0,6 * 500 = 300 coins per second to run this service

Name Cost Notes
Clean Energy Coins 0,6 Reduces the pollution produced from power plants by 50%
Efficient Piping Coins 1,2 Hire engineers to better design your water pipes, tripling the volume limit per pipe.
Free Medicare Coins 3 Increases the population's global happiness.
Power Boost Coins 4,2 Increases power output by 50%.
Promote Education Coins 5,5 Increases the population's global happiness at the expense of requiring more educational faculties.
Lower Taxes Coins 10 Increases the population's global happiness.
Publicity Coins 20 Increase population gain by 300%


Unlocked on either Services 300+ or first time basic needs are covered (Electricity, Water, Education, Services)

Name Cost Effect
Bulldozer Bulldozer Coins 800,000,000 Unlocked at 150 population

Allows you to destroy buildings

Parks Parks Coins 1,900M Add parks to your village increasing global happiness
NewServiceElectricityBoost New Service Coins 2,100M Unlocks new service named Power Boost
MoreLand1 Land Coins 12B Unlocks more land increasing your population cap