Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

The currency used to buy items from the Community Center and you earn them by selling materials.

Income from Mining & Crafting[]

Ore $/ore oil/ore $/oil/ore price after Researcher oil/bar $/oil/bar sec/bar $/sec/bar bar
Stone Stone 1 0 - - - - - -
Copper Copper 2 0 - 100 25 4 2 50 BronzeBars
Iron Iron 5 0 - 800 20 80 5 150 IronBars
Silver Silver 50 1 50 2000 26 76.92 10 200 SilverBars
Gold Gold 100 1 100 20000 101 198.02 25 800 GoldBars
Promethium Promethium 100 20 25 4M 280020 14.28 60 66666.66
Titanium Titanium 1,000 20 20m 120
Ancient Ancient Ore 250 3000 -

Symbol & Abreviations[]

Income from Woodcutting[]
