Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki
Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

The Looting ring will double chances of below listed items dropping from respective areas when killing mobs. 1 diamond is required to power the looting ring, which only doubles the loot drops on fields. upgrading the looting ring more will double drops on the next area (forests, caves, etc). 1 diamond is required per area.

Ring Works On
Fields FieldsLootingRing BirdFeed Stinger
Forests ForestsLootingRing SnakeskinMask SnakeskinBody

SnakeskinLegs IronDagger

Caves CavesLootingRing SkeletonSwordSkeletonShield
Volcano VolcanoLootingRing LavaSnakeskinMask LavaSnakeskinBody LavaSnakeskinLegs


Northern Fields NorthernFieldsLootingRing IceBirdFeedBow
Haunted Mansion HauntedMansionLootingRing GhostScanAmuletInvisibilityAmuletScythe
Desert DesertLootingRing LizardskinMask LizardskinBody


Jungle JungleLootingRing ElephantMask ElephantBody ElephantLegs


Dungeon Entrance DungeonEntranceLootingRing PoisonSpear
Dungeon DungeonLootingRing DarkMageHood DarkMageTop

DarkMageBottom Mace

Dungeon Coffin DungeonCoffinLootingRing PromethiumHelmetMould PromethiumBodyMould


Castle CastleLootingRing KnightsShieldStaff
Cemetery CemeteryLootingRing TitaniumHelmetMould TitaniumBodyMould


Factory FactoryLootingRing SuperBowLightbulb
Haunted Woods HauntedWoodsLootingRing ScytheInvisibilityAmulet
Deep Ocean DeepOceanLootingRing TridentSoldierHelmet Trident
