Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

The Mineral Necklace can be crafted after obtaining Crafting Research Tier 5 and costs various minerals from geodes to make. It can be charged with minerals and will passively find crates of a selected type, while the charge is active.


Picture Level Materials Chances*
MineralNecklace 395 15 TopazMineral
8 PurpleQuartzMineral
3 ClearMarbleMineral


MineralNecklace2 920 15 DenseMarbleMineral
8 AmethystMineral
3 TanzaniteMineral


*Mayor rating affects both

In fact, for a 30h round of gem crates, using the normal necklace, you usually get 24-25 crates, hence below the expected 1 crate/h.


Loot Rarity
BloodCrystals Blood Crystals Always
Sapphire Sapphire 1/2
Emerald Emerald 1/5
Ruby Ruby 1/9
Diamond Diamond 1/16
BloodDiamond Blood Diamond 1/1000

Loot Rarity
TreeRoots Tree Roots
MapleLogs Maple Logs
RedwoodLogs Redwood Logs
PineLogs Pine Logs
HauntedLogs Haunted Logs
JungleLogs Jungle Logs
Apple Apple
Nopal Nopal
Bananas Bananas

Loot Rarity
RedMushroomSeeds 20-40 Red Mushroom Seeds Always
DottedGreenLeafSeeds 5-10 Dotted Green Leaf Seeds Always
GreenLeafSeeds 5-10 Green Leaf Seeds Always
LimeLeafSeeds 5-10 Lime Leaf Seeds Always
GoldLeafSeeds 1-3 Gold Leaf Seeds 1/2
CrystalLeafSeeds 1 Crystal Leaf Seeds 1/4
StripedGreenLeafSeed 1 Striped Green Leaf Seeds
StripedGoldLeafSeeds 1 Striped Gold Leaf Seeds
StripedCrystalLeafSeeds 1 Striped Crystal Leaf Seeds

Loot Rarity
Gold 1303-4742 Gold Ore Always
Promethium 15-31 Promethium Ore Always
Titanium 2-3 Titanium Ore Always
Ancient 1 Ancient Ore 1/3

Loot Rarity
Sardine 10-20 Sardine Always
Bananas 50-100 Bananas Always
Tuna 10-20 Tuna Always
Swordfish 5-10 Swordfish Always
Coconuts 5-10 Coconuts 1/2
SeaTurtle 10-20 Sea Turtle 1/2
Lobster 10-20 Lobster 1/2
Shark 1 Shark 1/2
Nopal 60-180 Nopal 1/2
Starfruit 4-6 Starfruit 1/8
Food Crate gives you 28,250-858,700 energy (185,075 on average)
