Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki
Diamond Hunt Mobile Wiki

The treasure chest can be gotten after you solve a riddle on a treasure map. Once you have one, you can click on it to create keys. The better the gem, the more different items you get. Once you have a key, you can use it to open the chest.

The first chest opened will drop an emblem, which can be charged for 250 Blood Crystals, giving your explorer a permanent +10 HP buff.

The chance of finding an orb in a chest is 1/36 per roll. You get 5 rolls for ruby keys, 7 for diamond keys. There is also a bonus roll available to donors.

Unlike Daily Chests, Treasure Chests and Green Treasure Chests do not scale with the level.

Regular Chest Loot[]

Item Amount
Coins Coins 30m-500m
BagOfCash Bag of Gold (100M) 1
BloodCrystals Blood Crystals ~90
XpLamp10k XP Lamp (10k) 1
RawSwordfish Raw Swordfish 1
RawShark Raw Shark 1
Shark Cooked Shark 2
Arrows Arrow ~60
FireArrows Fire Arrow ~60
IceArrows Ice Arrow ~40
Bones Bones ~70
Lava Lava Bucket ~30
PromethiumBars Promethium Bars 17-27
LimeLeafSeeds Lime Leaf Seeds 10-29
GoldLeafSeeds Gold Leaf Seeds 5-10
CrystalLeafSeeds Crystal Leaf Seeds 1-5
LimeLeaf Lime Leaf 20-61
GoldLeaf Gold Leaf 20-37
CrystalLeaf Crystal Leaf 5-20
MapleTreeSeeds Maple Tree Seeds 1-3
RedwoodTreeSeeds Redwood Tree Seeds 1-3
PineTreeSeeds Pine Tree Seeds 1-3
Logs Logs 521-985
OakLogs Oak Logs 592-957
WillowLogs Willow Logs 503-772
MapleLogs Maple Logs 504-786
RedwoodLogs Redwood Logs 536-999
WoodcuttingUpgradePotion Tree Upgrade Potion 1-5
SuperCompostPotion Super Compost Potion 1-5

Green Chest Loot[]

Green Chests can only be obtained after crafting the Spyglass.

Item Amount
BagOfCash2 Bag of Gold (1B) 2
XpLamp10k XP Lamp (10k) 2
TitaniumTitanium 6-9
TitaniumBarsTitanium Bars 6-11
Lava Lava Bucket 112-149
PromethiumBars Promethium Bars 129-178
PineLogs Pine Logs 354
LavaLogs Lava Logs 116-237
LimeLeafSeeds Lime Leaf Seeds 41
CrystalLeafSeeds Crystal Leaf Seeds 8-9
RedMushroom Red Mushroom 534
DottedGreenLeaf Dotted Green Leaf 160-363
GreenLeaf Green Leaf 147-314
LimeLeaf Lime Leaf 135
GoldLeaf Gold Leaf 49-60
CrystalLeaf Crystal Leaf 31-34
CactusTreeSeeds Cactus Tree Seeds 2-4
BananaTreeSeeds Banana Tree Seeds 1-3
Bones Bones 100-119
RawSwordfish Raw Swordfish 9
RawShark Raw Shark 4